10 Earth-Day Gardening Activities for Toddlers

10 Earth-Day Gardening Activities for Toddlers

Gardening is a super fun activity for toddlers that can help them develop a sense of responsibility and commitment towards the environment. Earth Day is coming up this Saturday April 22nd, and it's the perfect opportunity to introduce your little ones to gardening and the importance of taking care of our planet. To help you out, we've compiled a list of 10 Earth-Day gardening activities that are perfect for toddlers.


Plant a Garden

Planting a garden is a super fun and educational activity for toddlers. They can learn about different types of plants, how they grow, and why it's important to take care of them. You can plant a vegetable garden or a flower garden, or both! Let your little one help choose the plants, and then work together to plant them. It'll be a fun way to bond with your baby girl and teach her about the importance of taking care of the environment.

Make a Compost Bin

Composting is an essential part of gardening and taking care of the environment. You can teach your daughter about composting by making a compost bin together. First, find a large plastic container or wooden crate and drill holes in the top and sides for ventilation. Then, add soil, leaves, grass clippings, and vegetable scraps to the bin and let your toddler help mix it all together. This will be a great way to teach your toddler how to reduce waste and create something beneficial for the environment.

Paint Garden Rocks

Painting garden rocks is always an interactive and inspiring activity! You can find smooth rocks in your yard or at a craft store and let your toddler use non-toxic paint to decorate them. Once they're dry, you can use them to label your plants or just display them in your garden. This activity will also enhance your toddler's artistic skills and help them learn about colors and textures.

Create a Fairy Garden

Bring your baby girlโ€™s fairy princess fantasies to life with a fairy garden! You can create a fairy garden with your lil mama using small plants, rocks, and other natural materials. Let her use her imagination to create a magical world for the fairies. This activity will encourage your toddler to be creative and imaginative while learning about nature.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Who doesnโ€™t love beautiful butterflies? You can create your own butterfly garden using plants that attract butterflies, such as milkweed, marigolds, and zinnias. You can also create a butterfly feeder using a shallow dish filled with sugar water. This activity will teach your toddler about the importance of pollinators and how they contribute to the environment.

Make Seed Bombs

Seed bombs are a fun and easy way to spread wildflowers in your yard or a nearby park. You can make seed bombs with your toddler using clay, soil, and wildflower seeds. Roll the mixture into small balls and let them dry before tossing them into your garden or a nearby field. This will teach your toddler about the importance of planting and growing wildflowers, which provide habitats for many important insects and animals.

Grow a Bean Teepee

Bean teepees are a fun and unique way to grow green beans. You can create a teepee using bamboo poles or sticks and then plant green bean seeds around the base. As the beans grow, they'll climb up the poles and create a fun hiding spot for your toddler. Itโ€™s an easy and unique way to teach your toddler about the different types of plants and how they grow!

Create a Garden Scavenger Hunt

Another fun and educational activity for little one is a garden scavenger hunt. You can create a list of items for your toddler to find in the garden, such as a ladybug, a red flower, or a green leaf. Let your toddler explore the garden and check off each item as they find it. This activity will help your daughter learn about different plants and insects and how they contribute to the environment.

Paint Flower Pots

Add a touch of cuteness to you plants by painting flower pots! You can find inexpensive terra cotta pots at a craft store and let your toddler use non-toxic paint to decorate them. Once they're dry, you can use them to plant flowers or herbs. Not only will this teach your toddler about different types of plants and how to take care of them, but itโ€™s also a beautiful little keepsake for you!

Make a Bird Feeder

Birds are important pollinators for a garden. Make your own bird feeder using a pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed. Spread the peanut butter on the pinecone and then roll it in birdseed. Hang the pinecone in a tree and watch the birds come to eat. Teach your little one about the importance of feeding birds and how they contribute to the environment while getting to observe nature!


Gardening is a wonderful way for toddlers to learn about and care for the environment. These 10 Earth-Day gardening activities are perfect for teaching your little ones about the importance of taking care of the planet and the joys of gardening. We hope that you and your lil mama will enjoy these activities and bond while learning about nature. Happy Earth Day!

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